Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Bertone

Publié le par DIONISI


Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Bertone


Un an après sa nomination comme Secrétaire d'état par le pape Benoît XVI, le cardinal Tarcisio Bertone s'entretient avec le quotidien italien l'Avvenire.

Voici les commentaires en anglais de EWTN, site catholique américain.



Rome, Sep. 20, 2007 ( - Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, who completed his first year as Vatican Secretary of State on September 15, told the Italian daily Avvenire that he has no desire to lead the Church himself, but seeks simply to serve the needs of Pope Benedict XVI.

In his interview with Avvenire-- which is published by the Italian bishops' conference-- Cardinal Bertone was asked to respond to comments that Pope Benedict has shown a reluctance to take decisive action, "even if Bertone seems tempted to do so." That impression is "absolutely not" accurate, the Italian cardinal said. He went on to say that the Pope is acutely aware of his duties, and "I try to do my own duty in perfect communion" with the Pontiff.

Answering a question on the implementation of the motu proprio allowing broader use of the 1962 Roman Missal, Cardinal Bertone said that he hoped for a "serene reception" of the Pope's document, and expressed confidence that "common sense will prevail, and not ideologies." He remarked that the knowledge of Latin is clearly in decline among Catholics today, and the motu proprio may have the beneficial effect of reviving interest in the language and "the patrimony of the Church that it transmits."

When asked about the possibility of a structural reform within the Roman Curia, Cardinal Bertone said that the question is still under active consideration, and therefore he preferred not to comment. However, he did point to the international flavor of the Curia today, noting that 16 of the top 25 offices at the Vatican are now held by non-Italians.



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